Pappa Reale (Royal Jelly) Cream Wrinkle Reducer by L'Erbolario Lodi Reviews

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Royal Jelly Cream by L'Erbolario Lodi contains precious substances and natural fiber to help maintain a fresh and glowing complexion by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and nourishing the skin.
L'Erbolario's Royal Jelly Cream performs an outstanding toning and restorative action that effectively helps to fight aging and loss of skin tone, preserving the splendor of youth.
Apply nutrient-rich L'Erbolario Royal Jelly Cream to face, neck and shoulder area each day to prevent the appearance of small wrinkles and lines. Royal Jelly Cream is particularly recommended for delicate skin.
Each jar contains 1.8 fluid ounces (50 ml.) of Royal Jelly Cream by L'Erbolario.
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Apr 19, 2011 15:56:07